72 Mystical Names of G-dThese pages are from the new book on the legends and history of the Kabbalah, the Book of Creation and Abraham Abulafia's techniques, Kabbalah's Secret Circles, Read some of the chapters and download a free PDF sample of the book to preview. Also, download other free books on Kabbalah. The Shem Ha Meforesh
These three passages in Exodus (14.19-21) describe Moses’ miracle to depart the Red Sea. In Jewish mysticism, these passages also hold a very mystical, and secret, meaning. A special arrangement of those 216 consecutive letters in the three passages reveals the hidden 72-triplet Names of G-d called the Shem Ha Meforesh – the Explicit or Hidden Name of G-d. Moses was said to have used this formula in order to spread the waters. The pronunciation of the Name is done through a meditative technique. This Name was known in early Jewish history. The Shem Ha Meforesh was the Key to the SEFER RAZIEL. Instructions to form the Names are mentioned in the BAHIR, the ZOHAR, and among several prominent rabbis of the Middle Ages. The 72 Names of G-d One of the most important Kabbalists during the 13th century, Rabbi Abraham Abulafia (b. 1240AD) was among the first to discuss the purpose and provide the exact methods to construct the sacred Names (see following diagram). According to the BAHIR, each of the 72 Names are comprised from each one of those three verses in Exodus. He instructions the student to write down the three verses in its Hebrew form:
To construct the first Name:
Combine these three letters to produce the first Triplet, V-H-V (???) Follow these same steps to create the second name:
Combine these letters to produce the 2nd Triplet Y-L-Y (???) According to Abulafia, the first three-letter Name is V-H-V (pronounced as Va-He-Va). The second is Y-L-Y (pronounced as YoLaYo). Continue the same pattern to create the third name using 3rd letter of each verse. The results provide the three-letter consonants to form each of the 72 Holy Names. This method is called letter permutation. In Hebrew, the process is called tzeruf (???). The activity of forming the letter combinations, and contemplating on the meaning of each permutation will produce “new knowledge that you never learned from human traditions nor derived from intellectual analysis. When you experience this, you are prepared to receive the influx, the shefa (???). Clear your mind completely. The, complete concentration, and a proper, pleasant, sweet melody, pronounce the Name of the 72,” Abulafia explained. Using the natural vowel sound to each letter, pronounce each Triplet: VaHeVa (???), YoLaYo (???), SaYoTe “We have a tradition that the divine influx will come to a perfected individual after he completes (pronounces) the 24 Triplets,” Abulafia wrote. The following chart, from Abulafia’s book, depicts the 72 Triplets of Names broken into 3 letters each. Start from the upper right square to the left (see “X”). X This chart displays the 72 Names of G-d from Abraham Abulafia, CHAYE HA OLAM HABA (LIFE IN THE FUTURE WORLD). Read from right to left. This is similar to the chart on the previous page, but in a different arrangement. The BAHIR gives further instructions on the Name, “[There are therefore] 12 stones [each containing six names] making a total of 72. These parallel the 72 Names of the Blessed One.” These 72 names are then compared to the 72 spoken languages. Continue reading about the 72 Names of the AngelsReturn to Chayye Ha Olam HaBa IndexBooks on Abraham AbulafiaThese books are available on Amazon.com about Abraham Abulafia. So you don't lose your place, these links open in a new window.
If you have an interest in this book or would like to request a copy of "Kabbalah's Secret Circle," please email bob@emol.org. Robert Zucker, Arizona, USA. Now Available on Amazon.com and internationally Read selections from the new book by author Robert E. Zucker, "Kabbalah's Secret Circles," examines the practices, literature and history of Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah and the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation). Discover the many lost and forgotten secrets of the Kabbalah through the words of famous Rabbi’s and authors throughout history. Follow a historical time line of Judaic mysticism and understand some of the basic principles of the Kabbalah and Cabalah. Devise your own Kabbalah Wheel to spin the legendary 231 Gates of combinations and permutations, as described in the ancient book on Jewish mysticism– the Sepher Yetzirah.
For more information on this Kabbalah book, contact author Robert Zucker. Chayye Ha Olam HaBa IndexCopyright by Robert Zucker © 2007-20176 No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or digitally stored without permission from author. |