"Sefer Yetzirah"

Authors and books on Sefer Yetzirah

Kabbalah's Secret CirclesBy Robert Zucker

These pages are excerpts from a new book on Kabbalah, by Robert Zucker, with instructions to create a Kabbalah Wheel. Read more pages and download a free PDF sample of "Kabbalah's Secret Circles."

The Internet is full of web sites on "Sefer Yetzirah" (also spelled as Sefer Yesirah, Sefer Yezirah or Sefer Yezira, among other spellings).

Many of these sites have been online for years and provide a good source of understanding and personal commentaries.

Some of these links have been hard to find. Many go out of service, have become password protected to limit outside visitors or have changed their focus or domain.

One great discovery is a Polish web site with Hebrew texts of several version of Sefer Yetzirah along with other great Kabbalah works. Be sure to visit the resources at HEBREJSKÁ KNIHOVNA KABALISTICKCH. Download a free pdf of this manuscript and a sample of the new "Kabbalah's Secret Circles."

The Sefer Yetzirah text in Hebrew and English can easily be found on the Internet. Below are some sites with the Hebrew texts.

Since the Sefer Yetzirah is open to much interpretation, controversy and discussion, there is one true, difinitve source. A true Qabalist must take all of the sources into context and decide which combinations suit their own path.

Robert Zucker's "Spirit of Kabbalah (Qabalah)" copyright 1976

Kabbalah Shoppe

Links to books on Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation), Kabbalah, Kabbalah Bracelets and more.


Kabbalah and Astral Projection Books by Author Robert E. Zucker

Download free Sample PDFs of two books recently published. Purchase full copies on Amazon.com.

Kabbalah's Secret Circles by Robert ZuckerKabbalah's Secret Circles reveals the hundreds of legends and complete history of the Kabbalah, Jewish Mysticism,the golem, and instructions to create the Kabbalah Wheel, a unique way to rotate the 231 Gates from the Sefer Yetzirah, Book of Creation. Download a free PDF sample.

Purchase "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" by PayPal/Credit Card and get personalized autographed copy from the author:

Kabbalah's Secret Circles by Robert Zucker

Twilight of Consciousness by Robert Zucker

"Twilight of Consciousness: Explore your Dreams with Astral Projection" provides practical techniques and methods to achieve lucid dreaming and astral projection experiences. Download a free sample PDF.



Other Kabbalah Websites

  • Walking Kabbalah Devorah's The Walking Kabbalah Blog, a collection of notes and understandings from studying with Kabbalist Samuel Avita.

Authors "Sefer Yetzirah"

Hebrew copies of Sefer Yetzirah manuscripts (web site is in Polish, but the texts are in Hebrew and can be downloed as pdfs) HEBREJSKÁ KNIHOVNA KABALISTICKCH TEXT: http://www.grimoar.cz/hebrew/

Sefer jecira a komentáre k nî
Sefer jecira. Základní dílo kabaly pipisované patriarchovi Abrahamovi.
Sefer jecira od rabiho Abrahama ben Davida z Posquičres (Raavad, 1125–1198).
Sefer jecira od rabi Izáka Slepého (Jicchak Sagi-Nehor – 1160–1235), syna Raavada z Posquičres.
Sefer jecira od rabi Mose Ben Nachmana (aka Nachmanides, Ramban, 1194–1270).
Sefer jecira od rabi Jicchaka z Aka (1250–1340)
Sefer jecira od rabi Mose Kordovera (Ramak, 1522-1570)
Vyklad Maase Beresit na základ Sefer jeciry od rabi Elijahu z Vilna (GRA – Gaon rabi Elijahu, 1720–1797). Gra version.

Abulafia, Abraham

Baeck, Leo

Leo Baeck's Commentary: http://www.wbenjamin.org/baeck.html


Blumenthal, David

Commentary by Dr. David Blumenthal

Commentary from sy231theory.com

Servants Of the Light: Commentary on SY

Gabirol, Solomon Ibn

Selected Poems translated by Peter Cole (pdf file): pup.princeton.edu/chapters/s6933.pdf

Theosophy Online: http://theosophy.org/tlodocs/teachers/SolomonIbnGabirol.htm

Life and Works: http://www.kabbalahsociety.org/papers/shahaf1.htm

Hagel, GWF

On Kabbalah and Gnosticism: http://www.wbenjamin.org/hegel_kabbalah.html

Kalisch, Isidor


Kaplan, Ariyeh

Azamra: Sepher Yetsira & Kaplan's Commentary

Sefer Yetzirah: Kaplan's Gra Version

Sefer Yetzirah: Short Version (Kaplan)

Sefer Yetzirah: GRA trans. Aryeh Kaplan

Luria, Isaac

Kabbalah Home Page of the Bnei Baruch


Saadia Ben Joseph Gaon (882-942)

Sefer Yetzirah and Excerpts from Saadia's Commentary

Saadia's commentary on Sefer Yetzirah: http://www.wbenjamin.org/saadia.html

Scholem, Gershom

Sepher Yetsira w/Commentary by G. Scholem

The Sefer Yetzirah: G. Scholem Translation

Suares, Carlos


Tzadok, Ariel Bar R.

Torat HaKabbalah, The Teachings of the Kabbalah: www.green-rings.net/frosty/library/jewish%2520literature/books

Westcott, W. Wynn (1887)

Westcott Sepher Yetsira

Westcott S.Y.

Sepher Yetzira (Westcott w/introduction)

Westcott Sepher Yetsira

Hebrew Texts

Sefer jecira a komentáre k nî
Sefer jecira. Základní dílo kabaly pipisované patriarchovi Abrahamovi.
Sefer jecira od rabiho Abrahama ben Davida z Posquičres (Raavad, 1125–1198).
Sefer jecira od rabi Izáka Slepého (Jicchak Sagi-Nehor – 1160–1235), syna Raavada z Posquičres.
Sefer jecira od rabi Mose Ben Nachmana (aka Nachmanides, Ramban, 1194–1270).
Sefer jecira od rabi Jicchaka z Aka (1250–1340)
Sefer jecira od rabi Mose Kordovera (Ramak, 1522-1570)
Vyklad Maase Beresit na základ Sefer jeciry od rabi Elijahu z Vilna (GRA – Gaon rabi Elijahu, 1720–1797). Gra version.

Sepher Yetzirah: Gra in Hebrew

Sepher Yezira: Hebrew Text w/comments

Shoshana Tekhelet The Holy Sefer Yetzira, with an original translation and commentary, By Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok. Hebrew text.

Sefer Yetzirah- (Book of Formation) Find several hard back editions. The first book of Kabbalah ever written. With the most famous commentators in Hebrew.

Most popular and reliable books about "Sefer Yetzirah"

These are the most popular books on Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Creation (Book of Formation). All of them can be purchased through these links at Amazon.com. Check for free shipping eligibility on some books.

Kabbalah's Secret CirclesKabbalah's Secret Circles 

Now Available on Amazon.com and internationally

Read selections from the new book by author Robert E. Zucker, "Kabbalah's Secret Circles," examines the practices, literature and history of Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah and the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation).

Discover the many lost and forgotten secrets of the Kabbalah through the words of famous Rabbi’s and authors throughout history.

Follow a historical time line of Judaic mysticism and understand some of the basic principles of the Kabbalah and Cabalah.

Devise your own Kabbalah Wheel to spin the legendary 231 Gates of combinations and permutations, as described in the ancient book on Jewish mysticism– the Sepher Yetzirah.

For more information on this Kabbalah book, contact author Robert Zucker.

Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of CreationKabbalah
in Theory and Practice

By Aryeh Kaplan

This is the most authoritative text on the study of the "Sefer Yetzirah" or Book of Formation (Book of Creation). Kaplan's explanations are easy to understand and make common sense. A must have manual for anyone ready to decipher this ancient manuscript. Paperback: 398 pages. Publisher: Weiser Books; Rev Sub edition (May 1997). Language: English.

Book of Formation or Sepher Yetzirah:
Attributed to Rabbi Akiba Ben Joseph

by R. A. Gilbert (Foreword),
Arthur Edward Waite (Editor, Introduction), Knut Stenring (Translator)

Stenring has made a word-for-word translation from several texts, choosing only those parts which he believed to be authentic. He reveals the text’s secrets in his diagrams, tables, and extensive notes. His "Master Key to the Theoretical and Practical Kabala" is a diagram of the correspondences between the English and Hebrew alphabets and is not found in other translations of the Sepher Yetzirah. The introduction by Waite surveys the historical background of the Sepher Yetzirah translations and the import of this foundational Kabbalistic text. Knut Stenring was a Swedish Hebrew scholar. He published this work in 1923.

A selection from INTRODUCTION: The "Sepher Yetzirah," or "Book of Formation," is perhaps the oldest Rabbinical treatise of Kabalistic philosophy which is still extant. The great interest which has been evinced of 1ate years in the Hebrew Kabalah, and the modes of thought and doctrine allied to it, has induced me to translate this tractate from the original Hebrew texts, and to collate with them the Latin versions of mediaeval authorities; and I have also published An Introduction to the Kabalah which may be found useful to students. Three important books of the "Zohar," or "Book of Splendour," which is a great storehouse of Kabalistic teaching, have been translated into English by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, and the "Sepher Yetzirah" in an English translation is almost a necessary companion to these abstruse disquisitions: the two books indeed mutually explain each other.

Sepher Yetzirah (Paperback: 48 pages). Publisher: Kessinger Publishing (December 30, 2005). Language: English

Sepher Yetzirah (Kindle)Kabbalah (Format: Kindle Edition). File Size: 226 KB. Print Length: 112 pages. Publisher: Oak Grove (March 20, 2008). Sold by: Amazon Digital Services

The Sepher Yetzirah or Book of CreationKabbalah

by Charles F. Horne (Editor)

Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Kessinger Publishing (December 30, 2005). Language: English

More books on the
"Book of Creation" or "Sefer Yetzirah"


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© 2007-2017 Bob Zucker. EMOL.org All rights reserved. . No part may be copied, reproduced, republished or
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