Advancement is being made in integrated
all of the QBL Keys into a functional program for public use. I am
amazed at the ability to be able to look up correspondences, make
changes in the text fields, read the Sefer Yetzirah word by word in
English and Hebrew, as well as spin the 231 Gates forward and backward.
Hopefully, I'll be releasing a demo
program- a sample version for public testing- later in 2008. Copies of
the Kabbalah software will be available through this web page. Qabalists
and FileMaker Pro developers will be sought to test the software
program. If you are interested in a copy of this Kabbalah program when
ready, please email Bob.
8/17/08: The
QBL program has grown so large, it needs to be broken down into several
pieces to run smoothly and be more affordable. While running on
FileMaker Pro, the program is able to sort correspondences and provide a
good study of the "Sefer Yetzirah" and related concepts found in
I decided to prepare the release of the
first QBL Key- the "32 Paths Key" which covers the first chapter of the
Book of Formation verse by verse with several tables of correspondences
of the 32 paths, 22 letters (3 Mothers, 7 doubles, 12 simples) and 6
directions. I am including my own commentary, charts, correspondences
and notes, but it is possible to add your own commentaries and notes
into the text fields and change any correspondence.
For years I have been using this
program for my own study. During that time, it has been refined and
redesigned many times for better use, ease of navigation and added
complexity. Nowhere else have I found a software solution to work as
well to make sense of all of this qabalistic nonsense.
As the final preparation for the 32
Keys is done, sample images and pdfs will be posted for viewing. The
main page has already changed several times since the photo above was
posted. I hope to post some new images soon.
2/18/07: Experimentation these
past few months with a social networking Internet program has produced a
prototype for a web-based global QBL. Plans to integrate the Filemaker
Pro solution with the web based program will be tested out during the
spring and summer.
A FileMaker Pro 8.5 database has been
set up and a template is being tested. This is really interesting to be
able to access information this way, but it still does not do the
functions I expect before it can be released to the public.
If you are among the dozens who have
emailed these past months, you will be contacted when a sample test
group is ready to go online. CDs of the FileMaker database may also be
avallable to use offline.
11/01/06: FileMaker Pro 8.5 has
been ordered as an upgrade to the independent release of the QBL Keys
project. The great feature of this program is that is the
web-integrated. That means, embedded web pages can deliver updated
content in a stand-alone program (with a web connection).
Registered subscribers could download
the FileMaker program (not necessary to have the actual program
installed- this is a stand alone version). Then, when connected online,
certain pages would display updated content, graphics, charts, even
social networking options!
9-1-06: In
the past months, I've received a number of email and phone calls from
interested Qabalists around the world about my progress in developing a
computer program for Qabalah study.
I'm making progress modifying FileMaker
Pro databases to cross reference the 22 letters with the 231 gates (and
10 sephiroth). This lead to the development of a Hebrew dictionary I
used in a database translation of the "Sefer Yetzirah" both chapter by
chapter and another database word by word. This further lead to the
creation of partial translated versions of "Sefer Raziel" and "Ha'Olam
This developed into creating more databases. It's been several years in the making. Each database - there are over a dozen now - is finally collected together into the QBL Keys.
(Left: The "Master Key" that links to 15
different databases called "Keys." Each Key is an interactive collection
of information in both English and Hebrew to guide in the study of
Qabalah and the Sefer Yetzirah.)
All these linked databases are called
"Keys." Each Key is interconnected with data from other Keys so
different parts of Qabalah and Sefer Yetzirah can be studied. So far,
there are 15 Keys.
It's a computerized copy of the Sefer
Yetzirah and other popular study tools in a comprehensive computer
program. No where else has this been done before.
Most of the templates are done- but
there is much more data to be added to make the Keys complete. By far,
it is more complete than many books on the subject. Yet, there are
decades of handwritten notes, comments and observations to still add
into these Keys. There is also the need to keep testing these Keys
myself to make sure they work. But, of course, as I work with these
Keys, I keep learning more!
Content can be added, edited and
deleted at anytime in any of the Keys. That makes it possible for the
entire QBL Keys to grow with your own personal development. The Keys are
being designed as an extension of ones own existence.
Keys have the ability to cross reference. When content is added into
one Key, it appears in other related Keys. There are many charts, tables
and correlations. Many tables can be updated and changed when new
connections are made or corrected.
Think: 777. Crowley would be proud.
The release of Filemaker 8.5 makes it
possible to embed web pages in Filemaker solutions. It also has other
features that can enhance the QBL Keys.
While I am just getting used to the
features of 8.0, when I upgrade and configure the web option, the QBL
Keys should be ready for public release. It won't be necessary to have
FileMaker to make the Keys work. This will be a stand-alone program that
can run on both PC and Macs. I'm working on ways to be able to update
the Keys and add on new Keys.
I am overwhelmed by the complexity, yet simplicty, of the Keys.
They are organized by the Practical Qabalah- the letters and combinations; the Theoretical Qabalah-
chapter and word by word translations and comments from several
Qabalistic manuscripts. Each word is disected by letter. Also comments
from Kaplan, Sholem and other authors are included with my own. The Resource Keys keep the basic information organized.
The books on the right were used to
gather some of the information included in these Keys. It is highly
recommended to have a copy handy while using the Keys. So, while I am
finishing this project, there is plenty of reading for you to do.
To acquire a copy of the QBL Keys, e-mail me (
with your interest. When the QBL Keys are completed, I'll email you
with details how to purchase a copy. Hopefully, it can be in CD and
download formats. There may be a shareware version to "test drive" the
Content of the QBL Keys (may change). Links to sections on this site that provide some information are included:
Practical Qabalah Keys- Hew, Chisel and Spin:
- Root Letters- the 22 letters with related correspondences in the 3 realms
- 231 Gates- pairs of letters, like flashcards, that follow the path described in most books
- Tzeruf- spin the letters, make your own combinations
Theoretical Qabalah Keys- Manuscripts:
Resources of Qabalah Study Keys
- Bibliography
- Dictionary
- Time Line- follow the history of the Sefer Yetzirah
- Golem- the tools to use the Keys
- Charts, including the Tree of Life and the 72 Names
This web section will be updated with
examples of the QBL Keys and this page will contain updates on progress.
For more information e-mail
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